Friday, February 28, 2014

Can't See the Forest for the Trees

I love riding scooters - maybe not the manliest thing to admit, but there you are. I said it.

I love that they're mind bogglingly easy to ride, I love the freedom they give you to explore your surroundings, I love that the motor is quiet enough for you to chat with your kids while you're riding, and I even love (in that sort of "I think I'm gonna die" way) the periodic slip of the tires on sandy pavement.

So after a week of making our ass prints on almost every inch of sand along the Haad Salad beach, a week which included only one rather lame attempt at an excursion/hike (in which we ended up simply moving from our beach to the next beach 800 meters up the island), we decided to rent some wheels and explore the island a bit.

This is apparently the biggest Yang Na Yai tree in Thailand. It is no doubt large (see the gang down in the bottom corner) - but I suspect it is similar to the ubiquitous and rather dubious claims of the 'largest reclining buddha' which you find everywhere in Asia, just daring you to prove them wrong.

On the topic of superlatives, how about the coolest little dude in Thailand - prove me wrong, I dare you!

We ended up at this zipline / canopy walk operation in the middle of the the Koh Phangan jungle. The kids had a very small dose of ziplining at the Chiang Mai Zoo and were itching for more.

The place is owned and operated by Eric (the dude in the yellow shirt), a jovial fellow with a ridiculous French accent. I suppose it's understandable, given that he is French, but as he was going through all the safety instructions I was constantly waiting for him to say (for all you Cheers fans), "Woody, I am going to steal your girlfriend"

It has to be one of the most picturesque places to go ziplining - I'll let the photos do the talking.

There was ziplining as well as some challenging canopy walking. 

Already looking like a pro after the first attempt.

...and the increasingly common 'too cool for school' reclining shot

Just amazing to be gliding through the forest canopy 

The whole family enjoying a day up in the tree tops....

...except for the 'fraidy cat' (well, we needed an official event photographer, anyway)

Even I got into the harness and tried my luck

The afternoon was capped off by the post-zip (or is it post-line?) relaxation of having your toes nibbled by a bunch of ravenous fish. We all dipped our feet into the questionably-named 'Fish Spa', but surprisingly, it was Shirley's feet which seemed to attract the majority of the little critters.

Somebody needs to pay more attention to their personal hygiene?

And Owen so loved their resident puppy that he briefly became 'one with the dog'

Time to stop by the market and pick up a few supplies. "Yo, somebody looking for Big C?"

A quick lunch stop at the Som Tham vendor (that's the spicy papaya salad) before heading back home.

Selfie on a scooter - sshhh....don't tell mom! I think there's probably an exclusion on my travel insurance for risky behavior like this.

Last day in Koh Phangan tomorrow, and then back to the mainland for a few days. Sad to leave this great little island, but we're ready to continue the adventures.

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