Monday, February 03, 2014

Superbowl Monday....wha??

I have been on this earth for 42 years, and was beginning to wonder if any of my favourite sports teams - Canucks, Expos, Seahawks - would ever win a big championship game. With the Expos gone, and the Canucks mastering the playoff disappearing act, it all rested on the shoulders of Seattle. Go 'Hawks !!

5:00am - are you ready for some football ?? Before we left Canada, Shirley was on the phone calling places in Taipei that might be showing the game - it seems that most sports bars were planning on opening early to show the 7:30 am kickoff. We had to make reservations, and were wondering if it was worth the effort and cost, but hey, when your team is in the Superbowl....

Annie's also a big fan of the Seahawks, and one of the few 10 year old girls who knows that when it's 4th and one with 2 minutes left and down by 3 points on the opponents 45 yard line, that it's best to go for it (but only after she's asked what the kicker's longest field goal of the year was) - that's my girl.

Empty car on the first MRT train of the day.

On the way to Dan Ryan's Grill - near the foot of the once-tallest building in the world - Taipei 101 (could barely fit Shirley and the kids in this photo)

Apparently Owen was still half asleep at this early hour - was just coming out of his usual dreams - gotta get him checked out when we get back.

Game On !! - I remember Dan Ryan's Sports Bar from my old days in Taipei 20 years ago - still going strong. They're somehow able to stay in business serving underwhelming food at inflated prices to expats desperate for a steak and salad.

Note the score - the game was over before we even knew it.

But we didn't mind one bit - go 'Hawks!!

Time for some post-game exercise.

"But daddy, you said we could go up to the top and get a good view from Taipei 101?" 

"No, I said we could climb up and get a nice view OF Taipei 101."

"What's the difference?"

"This is better exercise."

"I bet it's cheaper too."

"Shut up and keep walking"

They know me too well.

I made it up to them with some post-hike ice cream, sold in the traditional Taiwanese way from the back of a scooter. Doesn't matter a bit to them.

We made the kids leave their stuffies behind in Canada, but promised they could buy one with their red envelope money - Tank and Spud will accompany them for the rest of the trip.

Hmmm...we're kind of hungry - haven't eaten since our Superbowl omelette - hey, do you guys want to eat at a classy restaurant?? I feel bad for the restaurant which was just to the left of this sign, because clearly the sign was pointing away from it. 

We're not classy folks, so we settled on something a bit more down-to-earth. 

But tasty nonetheless.

Full credit to Owen again for trying one of my favourites - stinky tofu!!

A happy Seahawks fan with her bubble tea - the end of a great day


  1. what's the temperature like there? T shirt and shorts in winter? Other people in the pictures are wearing jackets and pants. Connie

    1. I think it was 26 degrees - people wear jackets and pants because it's February and winter, regardless of how cold or hot it is - strange, I know.

  2. Your favourite team won and you had stinky tofu. Life is good.

  3. Chris. Congrats to the 12th man in Taiwan! It was a great result and we got to see it in our lifetime. There were about 1 Million people that showed up in Seattle on Wednesday for the parade! Impressive considering the poplulation of Seattle is about 700K.


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